

Bitgesell Wallet is a cross-platform wallet (fast, open-source and secure) that works from a browser (web app) and browser extension, a desktop app for Linux, macOS, Windows, and a mobile app for Android & iOS.


Bridge to move BGL between BGL mainnet and Eth/BSC wrapped BGL token

Borrowing and lending platform on Binance Smart Chain. Accepts WBGL as collateral

BGL RPC node, wallet endpoint, Testnet and BGL Faucet

Community & Services

A leading cryptocurrency comparison service. Compare over 25 exchanges and 5,000 cryptocurrencies

Bitgesell is integrated on cryptocurrencies price feeds

Exchange Listings

#1 Agency for Listing on Crypto Exchanges

Professional advisory, PR and exchange listing services

Mining Pools

the miners multipool paying bitcoin for alt coins.

As a professional business registered under Dutch law

multialgo, multicoin, autoexchange pool, solo/party mining, BTC/LTC/BCH/DASH/DOGE/ETH payouts

Developer Libraries and Programs

Bitgesell Gitcoin Bounty Program. Participate and collaborate (with paid incentives)

Build and Fund the Open Web Together

Explorer and development libraries